Grant Wilkins



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I am an Advanced Computer Science M.Phil candidate at Cambridge University in Churchill College, advised by Prof. Richard Mortier and Prof. Srinivasan Keshav. I am broadly interested in using computing as a tool to mitigate the effects of climate change. Due to the many ways we cause and experience climate change this can take many forms. Some specific examples in my work are being energy conscious in datacenters, applying real-time sensing to energy systems, or attempting to learn patterns and behaviors in microgrids. I am an incoming Electrical Engineering PhD student at Stanford University where I intend to work with Ram Rajagopal on applying federated learning for secure energy systems.

A few things I have been a part of: I researched green computing and lossy compression in high-performance computing (HPC) with Prof. Jon Calhoun at Clemson University, developed lossy compression techniques for federated learning at Argonne National Lab advised by Dr. Sheng Di, and designed IoT software for smart grid applications at Tesla, Inc..

Find a fairly recent CV here


Conference Proceedings

  1. G. Wilkins, S. Keshav, and R. Mortier. “Towards Energy-Optimal LLM Serving: Workload-Based Energy Models for LLM Inference on Heterogeneous Systems,” to appear at 2024 ACM HotCarbon Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems (HotCarbon’24), Jul. 2024.
  2. G. Wilkins, S. Keshav, and R. Mortier. “Hybrid heterogeneous clusters can lower the energy consumption of LLM inference workloads,” in 2024 ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems (e-Energy ‘24), Jun. 2024, pp. 506–513. find paper here
  3. G. Wilkins, S. Di, J. C. Calhoun, K. Kim, R. Underwood, and F. Cappello, “FedSZ: Leveraging error-bounded lossy compression for federated learning communications”, in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jul. 2024. find paper here
  4. G. Wilkins, M. J. Gossman, B. Nicolae, M. C. Smith, and J. C. Calhoun, “Analyzing the energy consumption of synchronous and asynchronous checkpointing strategies”, in 2022 IEEE/ACM Third International Symposium on Checkpointing for Supercomputing (SuperCheck), Nov. 2022, pp. 1–9. find paper here
  5. G. Wilkins and J. C. Calhoun, “Modeling power consumption of lossy compressed i/o for exascale hpc systems”, in 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), Jun. 2022, pp. 1118–1126. find paper here
  6. G. Wilkins and J. C. Calhoun, “Modeling energy Consumption for the SZ compressor on hpc systems”, in IEEE/ACM 32nd International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis Proceedings, Oct. 2020. find paper here

Journal Articles

  1. S. Di, J. Liu, K. Zhao, X. Liang, R. Underwood, D. Tao, J. Tian, Y. Huang, J. Huang, X. Yu, J. C. Cahoun, M. Shah, B. Zhang, G. Wilkins, Z. Zhang, G. Li, K. A. Alharthi, and F. Cappello, “A survey on error-bounded lossy compression for parallel and distributed use-cases”, ACM Computing Surveys, In Submission, 2024. arxiv link

Theses and Reports

  1. G. Wilkins, “Online Workload Allocation and Energy Optimization in Large Language Model Inference Systems”, University of Cambridge MPhil in Advanced Computer Science, June 2024. find paper here
  2. G. Wilkins, “Green HPC: Optimizing Software Stack Energy Efficiency of Large Data Systems”, Clemson University Honors College, May 2023. find paper here



  1. Graduate Student Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory (Summer 2023 and 2024)
    Advisors: Dr. Sheng Di, Dr. Robert Underwood, and Dr. Franck Cappello
    Developer of FedSZ: a lossy compressor to reduce the overhead of federated learning communications.
    Lead on a study to quantify energy benefits of using lossy compression to cut data size.

  2. Graduate Student Researcher at University of Cambridge (Fall 2023 to Summer 2024)
    Advisors: Prof. Richard Mortier and Prof. Srinivasan Keshav
    Developer of EASLI: an online, energy-aware scheduler for serving LLM inference.

  3. Undergraduate Researcher at Clemson University (Fall 2020 – Fall 2023)
    Advisor: Prof. Jon Calhoun
    Worked on projects concerning green supercomputing with focuses on optimizing the energy consumption of lossy compression, checkpoint-restart, and heterogeneous computing.

  4. NSF-REU: HPC Data Reduction at Clemson University (Summer 2020)
    Advisor: Prof. Jon Calhoun
    Produced runtime power models of the SZ lossy compressor for optimization.


  1. Software Engineering Intern. Tesla, Cloud Energy Platforms Team (Summer 2021)
    Worked on California Virtual Power Plant, a project that ended up keeping power on for thousands during a wildfire.


Clemson University ENGR 1410 Introduction to MATLAB.
Teaching Assistant, Fall 2020, Spring 2021.

(Last update: Jun 10, 2024)